
The heart of Narasu’s business lies in its marketing. The overall marketing covers advertising, public relations, logistics, promotions and sales. Narasu’s uses the process by which a product or service reaches and promoted to potential customers. Marketing in Narasu’s is the organisational discipline that focuses on the practical application and orientation, techniques and methods adopted by the company on the firm's resources and activities.

Data based solutions to business problems, strategy issues, operational challenges are dealt with focus.

For the business to succeed the product or service it provides must be known and aware to potential buyers. Communication with customers creates product and service awareness. The marketing team at Narasu’s are well trained to promote products and service. The team have held up the reputation of the company with effective communication both externally and internally and the quality of products and services that were created to support the marketing efforts.

Website development, public relations, design and print materials and good logistics have supported the marking of Narasu's.

Narasu's the big name to reckon with has its extensive distribution network supported by dedicated team of marketing personnel spread all over Tamilnadu / Kerala / AP / Karnataka and overseas.

The company has an excellent experienced team who have good communication and understanding of products to market the wheat products. The Sales team have created a good distribution network in South India and delivers the best to the end consumer without any delay. Overseas supplies are also done on a regular basis.

Top quality products with unmatched shelf life are provided to take care of the long transportation time to deliver unmatched quality upon usage. High-quality packaging is used to avoid cross-contamination during transit.

The products are sold to various sectors in the market - wholesale & retails outlets, institutional companies, manufacturers, bakeries, etc. both National & International.